This poor mantel was heading for the scrap heap!
Luckily it landed into eXibit's hands !!
ANTIQUE American Sessions Mantel Clock
Non-working order and cosmetically in a very poor state
Full Restoration
Item underwent:
- Complete dismantlement
- Parts restored
- Clock face cleaned
- Face cover rim polished and glass cleaned
- Dial hands replaced
- Pendulum restored and polished
- Wood casing Hand painted and glossed
- Every screw polished
- Mechanism refurbished
- Winding Key was sourced
New lease on life location:
Bulleen, Victoria
On January 9, 1903, the company was reorganized as The Sessions Clock Company. ... Between 1903 and 1933 Sessions produced 52 models of mechanical clocks, ranging from Advertisers, large and small clocks with logos of various businesses, to wall, or regulator clocks, and shelf or mantel clocks, designed for the home.
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